Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Are you getting whole food nutrition? Part 2

The question is are we getting whole food nutrition? We are living in a world that seems to be going 100 mph. No doubt our parents tried and if you are a parent your are trying to make certain that your children are getting the proper nutrition. It all starts when we are kids, we prepare vegetables and fruits and place in front of our children but if they put up much of a fight we give in because we have already had a challenging day. So unintentionally we have set in motion what may become a life long habit. When we were children we did it and if we are not careful our children will grow up only eating what tastes good but not necessarily good for them. If we do not find a solution something has started that is very difficult to break or change.

What does this lead us to? Well take a look around. You see more people
today than anytime in our history. I talked with my Dad one day about this. He said when I was a kid you just did not see so many people. I asked him why he thought it was. He said we use to grow our own vegetables and fruits. There wasn't a fast food restaurant on every corner. We were just a lot more active than people are today. Millions of people need to lose weight but what is actually being done about it?

There are solutions but even if you find one you have to be willing to follow it.

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