Wednesday, January 23, 2008

5-9 Servings of Fruits and Vegetables daily

fruits and vegetables daily

Reading that headline you might say, “There’s no way in the world anyone can eat 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables daily. It can't be done or can it? Why, I am lucky if I get in one serving a day."

I believe most of us are following the path of least resistance and there must be a lot of resistance to eating 5-9 servings a day. Even though we should be doing something does not mean we are and especially if it is difficult. We all live our lives for the most part at warp speed, no time to take care of ourselves or even stop and smell the roses, so how are we going to get the 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables we need? Plus who has the time anyway?

Just imagine the difficulty in getting those 5-9 servings of fruits and vegetables consumed, not to mention our whole family doing it on a daily basis. Perhaps you're now thinking, "I'll go buy myself a juicer, that will do it." The juicer infomercials make it look so simple, don't they? What isn't mentioned is the time involved to gather, on an ongoing basis, those fruits and vegetables. Could it be those veggies and fruits are the offspring of pesticides? And do they actually have the vitamins and minerals in them that we need? Not to mention the time involved to clean the juicer after every use. Juicing is great but not very conducive to most people’s lifestyle. So if we cannot eat 5-9 servings a day of raw fruits and vegetables and cannot juice them, what is the answer?

I came across a product that is the very next best thing that provides 30 fruits and berries, 30 greens and vegetables in each serving, plus a whole lot more. And it doesn't taste like one is licking a lawnmower.

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